
A glorious battle but it may not end well. Fischer - “I may yet be forced to admit that the winawer is sound, but I doubt it. The defence is anti-positional and weakens the kingside.” The rubenstein variation offers fewer wins and fewer losses.
Move-by-move nature of the winawer unfortunately leads to the longest lines in this whole french complex.

so many crazy gambits

Milner-Barry gambit, Kupreichik gambit and so on all good clean fun hope the links work?

blocked positions with c4

some crazy game with a Kd7 Qg8 Qh7 manoeuvre to escape the pawn chain

Ne7 or Nh6

can’t remember how to get to Nf5 sure there was something about it

Qb6 or Bd7

There’s a strategy of Bb5 to exchange light-squared bishops, but it’s probably rubbish

white takes on c5

some vague memory that Steinitz used to do this…