
Minard’s map of Napoleon’s advance is a wonderful early example of data visualization, and much more dynamic than the static structures of 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5…


  1. Mainly appeals to white players who enjoy strategically clear positions, often black plays c4 and the position is blocked.
  2. Some barbarian white players gambit the d-pawn there are a couple of dangerous variations to be aware of.
  3. Move order note: I play Qb6 before Nc6 to avoid Kupreichik’s Be3 line, a side benefit is that white has to consider the manoeuvre Bd7-b5. Cost is white’s a3 becomes stronger.

so many crazy gambits

Two gambits to know about here, but don’t be scared - objectively if white gambles a central pawn he is taking a risk and may easily end up seriously worse.

  • Milner-Barry gambit 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Qb6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bd3, loved by schoolchildren because of the trap Bb5+ winning the queen. General plan is to play a6 rather than take on e5 - tricks are for kids 😀
  • 9. Nbd2 Gambit starts like the Milner-Barry, a dangerous line I first saw recommended for white in this video by Alisa Melekhina - she describes it as like a c3-Sicilian.

The analysis in the games below is by Neil McDonald, from the Chess Publishing website.

blocked positions with c4

some crazy game with a Kd7 Qg8 Qh7 manoeuvre to escape the pawn chain

Ne7 or Nh6

can’t remember how to get to Nf5 sure there was something about it

Qb6 or Bd7

There’s a strategy of Bb5 to exchange light-squared bishops, but it’s probably rubbish

white takes on c5

some vague memory that Steinitz used to do this…